vineri, 24 octombrie 2008


Expunere de diapozitive PicasaWeb

Uite asa, sa nu se plictiseasca lumea pana reusesc io sa pun ceva poze. 8-}

Si da, pana la urma am gasit-o, pe ea, pe galerie. Era pierduta pe undeva pe Page Creator.

App, acum am aflat si eu ca Google va renunta pana la sfarsitul anului la Page Creator in favoarea Google Sites. Pacat ca au ramas tot la 100 Mb, da' mai stii!?

Google Page Creator is no longer accepting new sign-ups.

We are no longer accepting new sign-ups for Page Creator because we have shifted our focus to developing Google Sites, which offers many of the capabilities of Page Creator along with new features like site-level navigation, site-level headers, control over who can see and edit your site, and rich embeddings like calendars, videos, and Google docs.

If you are currently a Page Creator user, you can continue to use Page Creator and your pages will automatically be transitioned to Google Sites later this year. We are committed to making this transition as smooth and easy as possible, and we will post more details as we get closer to the transition time. You can also manually move your web pages from Page Creator to Google Sites or other service providers at any time.

Learn more about this change.

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